About us

About Us

Hello, board game enthusiast!

Welcome to Myší doupě.

To start, you might be pleased to know that we are enthusiasts too and love board games just as much as you do. Let me introduce us a bit - there's me, Ludva the bat, and my mouse friends František, Markéta, Michal, Anna, and Petr.

We craft original accessories for your favorite games - from ideas to zeros and ones, to the precise shapes of the finished product.

We are driven by enthusiasm, which we want to share with you. Because shared joy is double joy, as my grandfather Edgar used to say (may his branch be light).

We put this enthusiasm into our models, accessories, and gadgets for board games.

How do we do it?

We produce board game components in small series and assemble them with our own paws. You can bet your pants that every piece you see from us is 100% original.

But printing and assembly are not the end - we test all prototypes on specific games to make sure they are simply top-notch (as my aunt Eugenie would say).

And because we believe that local is better than global, we use machines, devices, and materials from Czech manufacturers.

Why board games?

Because we think it's better to spend time at gaming tables with friends and family than at monitors and keyboards. Through board games, you meet many new people and strengthen relationships with friends (even if you sometimes get mad at each other)! That's one of the main reasons why we love board games ourselves and decided to build our Myší doupě around them.

Is something missing at our place?

Sometimes I like to play the poet, so please allow me to use the word "however." However, the development and testing of prototypes can be quite lengthy, so don't be mad at us if a gadget is temporarily unavailable. Feel free to write to us about it! We look forward to your messages.

Do you have your own idea?

My friends are so cool that you can even write to us if you come up with an accessory we don't have yet. We'd love to discuss it with you, come up with ideas, and test it.

"Write to us here"


Markéta - Logistics Wizard

If we don't know where something is or how much we need, we turn to Markéta. She knows everything about numbers and can use her Tetris-playing experience to the fullest in the warehouse.

Favorite games: Simpler family games with little mice.

Anna - Queen of 3D Models

She handles 3D modeling brilliantly! When we have an idea, we run straight to her. With her, the prototype journey to our final product begins. Once she starts something, she doesn't stop.

Favorite games: Logical deduction games, although almost no one wants to play with her because she always wins.

František - 3D Printer Enchanter

A 3D printing wizard who takes care of not only our extensive printing farm but also a classic farm with chickens, ducks, turkeys, and turkeys running around. So he really gets a lot of exercise.

Favorite games: Anything that's offered.

Michal – Master of the Laser

Master of laser and wood. When we need to design and make anything out of wood, we go to Michal. We know that together with our cutting laser, he will always manage. For someone who's been an IT guy all his life, he's incredibly skilled.

Favorite games: Story-driven games with atmosphere, escape rooms.

Petr - Visionary Genius

Petr is our well of ideas. When he plays a game, potential gadgets are already forming in his head. Sometimes he lets his imagination run wild to the edge of the impossible, but many of our accessories wouldn't exist without him.

Favorite games: Games that tell a story and flow nicely.